Opportunities don't  just  happen. You  create  them.


Clients: How we work for you

We match the right talent with our clients' business needs and unique cultures. Our goal is to become an extension of our clients and to fully understand all business-specific needs. While we focus on identifying the right skill set for each opening, we place the same level of emphasis on ensuring mutual culture match. This combination is integral to seamlessly augmenting teams while keeping both immediate and future business needs at the forefront. 


The Process:

We take the time to listen to the needs of your business. We help formulate role requirements, which include both skill set and team/company culture to ensure the best possible talent match.

Candidate development: 

We leverage our database, network and industry intel to develop a list of qualified candidates.

Interview process:

We interview a select group of candidates and provide a written summary of qualifications for your review, and work to facilitate interviews.


Extending the offer:

We help extend and negotiate the offer, acting as a liaison between you and the candidate.


Pre-hire paperwork:

We check references and provide written summaries directly to hiring managers or HR.


“If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.”



Candidates: How we work for you

We partner with our candidates.

Building relationships is the key to ensuring your next opportunity is the one you really want. Our holistic approach helps assess each person's top motivators and bring only opportunities that match those goals. We treat you like a person not just another resume. Taking the time to understand your goals and helping you devise a strategy to make them a reality. We help mentor, advise, and coach everyone we work with to make your dream job a reality. You can expect us to be a partner not just a recruiter.



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